Aaron - shining light
Abasalom - son of King David
Abbott - father
Abdiel - servent of god
Abe - Father of a Multitude
Abel - breath, child
Abie - father or mother of many
Abijah - The Lord is my father
Abner - the father of light
Abraham - father of a multitude
Abram - a form of Abraham
Abrasha - father
Absolom - My Father is Peace
Acacio - the Lord holds Adam - The First Man
Addai - man of god
Addo - happy, ornament
Aden - Handsome, Adorned
Adlai - my witness
Adley - just
Adli - Just, Wise
Admon - red peony
Adon - lord
Adonai - My Lord
Ahmik - strength of gods flock
Aitan - fights of possession
Alijah - The Lord is My God Amiel - god of my people
Amos - troubled
Andrew - heroic
Angus - Servant of the Lord
Ardon - bronze
Ari - lion
Armon - castle
Arnon - rushing stream
Aron - To Sing
Asa - Healer
Asher - fortunate, lucky
Avidan - God Is Just
Avital - Father of Dew
Aviv - Spring, renewal
Axel - divine reward
Balthasar - one of the three wise men
Barabas - Barabba
Barnabas - Barnaby Son of Prophecy
Barth - Son of Tolmai
Bartholemew - Hill, Furrow
Baruch - blessed Basil - grand
Bathsheba - daughter of the oath
Bede - prayer
Ben - Son of
Benedict - blessed
Benjamin - Son of Right Hand Benjy - Son of My Right Hand
Benny - Son of My Right Hand
Benson - Ben's son, excellent son
Beryl - dazzling jewel
Boaz - Swift, Strong
Brighton - the one who is loved
Britt - the helpful one
Cain - craftsman
Cale - Form of Caleb
Caleb - Bold Callahan - a Catholic saint
Cephas - pebbles
Chaika - life Chaim - life
Charles - Free Man
Christian - A Follower of Christ
Christopher - Holds Christ's Faith
Dagan - grain or corn
Dalit - Draw Water
Dan - From the name DANIEL Daniel - a great Hebrew prophet
Dannon - From Daniel-judged by God
Danyl - From the name Daniel
Dave - From the name DAVID David - Beloved
Dominic - Belonging to God
Doron - gift
Dov - bear
Eban - stone
Ebenezer - Rock of Help
Eden - delightful, adornment
Edward - Successful Leader
Efrat - Honored, Distinguished
Efrem - From the name EPHRAIM
Eisig - he who laughs
Eitan - Strong and staunch
Eleazar - God has helped Eli - elevation
Elias - Jehovah is God
Eliot - hight
Elisha - a successor to Elijah
Eljah - Form of ELIJAH
Elliott - Elijah Jehovah is God
Ely - Form of ELI
Emanuel - god is with us
Enoch - Dedicated or Consecrated Ephraim - Doubly Fruitful
Eron - Peace, Enlightened
Esav - coarse
Etan - Steady
Ethan - Loyal
Ethel - noble
Eyal - Strength
Ezekial - God Make Me Stronger
Ezio - friend, lover
Ezra - helper, salvation
Feivel - God Assists
Felix - Cheerful
Francis - belonging to France
Gabai - delight, adornment
Gabe - From the name GABRIEL
Gabriel - devoted to God
Ganit - Defender Gavriel - man of God
Genesis - origin
Gersham - Exiled
Gideon - woodcutter Gilead - Biblical Place Name
Gillean - Saint John's servant
Gilon - Circle
Giuseppe - Form of JOSEPH
Gur - Baby Lion
Ham - Hot
Hannibal - Baal has favored
Hans - God's Gracious Gift Heman - Faithful
Henry - Lord
Herschel - Deer Hiram - Exalted
Hosea - redemption
Hyman - Life
Ichabod - Departed Glory
Ike - From the name ISAAC
Iram - Shining Isaac - he will laugh
Isaiah - salvation of the Lord
Ishmael - God Will Hear Israel - Wrestle with God
Itzak - laughter
Ivrit - The Hebrew Language
Izzy - He will Laugh
Jacob - held by the heel
Jadon - God Has Heard
Jake - From the name JACOB
James - An Apostle
Japheth - He Expands
Jared - one who rules
Jariath - Tributary Lord
Jarlath - a tributary lord
Jaron - to cry out, singing
Jarrett - From the name JARED
Jason - Healer
Javen - Son of Japheth
Jeb - Beloved Friend
Jebediah - Beloved Friend
Jedidiah - beloved of the Lord
Jens - God is Gracious Jered - From JARED
Jeremiah - a prominent prophet
Jeremy - Appointed by God
Jerrod - Down to Earth
Jesse - wealthy
Jesus - God will help
Jethro - Outstanding, Excellent
Jim - From the name JAMES
Joakim - the Lord will judge
Job - The Persecuted
Joe - From the name JOSEPH
Joel - God is willing
Joey - From the name JOSEPH
John - God is Gracious
Johnathan - God's Offering Johnny - From the name JOHN
Jon - God is Gracious
Jonah - a dove
Jonas - Dove
Jonathan - God gives
Jordan - to descend, to flow
Jorgen - farmer
Joseph - Joey, Joe God Multiplies
Josh - God Saves
Joshua - God is My Salvation
Josiah - fire of the Lord
Jubal - Ram
Jud - Praised
Judah - Praised
Judd - praised
Jude - praise
Justin - just, TRUE
Kabos - swindler
Kaleb - From Caleb-Faithful Kaniel - stalk, reed
Kedem - Old, Ancient
Kenan - possession Kenaz - Bright
Kobe - Supplanter
Kuper - Copper
Nachmanke - compassionate one
Nadav - nobel, a generous one
Nate - Gift of God
Nathan - a short form of Nathaniel Nathaniel - Nathan Gift of God
Nehemiah - affection of Jehovah
Nimrod - Bowman
Nirel - God's field Nisi - emblem
Noadiah - God assembles
Noah - Peaceful, Restful
Noam - Pleasant Friend
Oachim - God Will Establish
Obadiah - servant of God
Oded - Strong Omar - first son, disciple
Ophir - honest
Oran - pale one; pine Ornice - Cedar Tree
Osaze - favoured by God
Osborne - soldier of God
Oz - strength
Palti - my escape
Patrick - Nobleman Paul - Small
Peter - small rock Philip - Horse Lover
Philomena - beloved
Raanan - Fresh, New
Radwan - Delight
Ranen - joyous Raphael - healed by God
Ravid - wander
Reuben - behold, a son
Reuel - friend of God Richard - Great Strength
Rishon - first
Roni - shout for joy, my song of joy
Ruben - beholf of a son
Sachiel - angel of water
Sagiv - mighty, with strength
Saloman - peaceful
Sam - to hear
Sampson - Child of the Sun Samuel - his name is God
Saul - asked for
Seff - a wolf
Seraphim - burning ones
Seth - appointed one
Shamir - precious stone Shlomo - Peaceful
Shulamith - peaceful
Simon - he who hears
Sivan - the ninth month
Solomon - Peaceful
Stephen - Protected
Udeh - praise
Uehudah Ugutz - name honoring John the Baptist
Uri - light Uriah - God is light
Uriel - light of God
Uzi - My Strength
Vaschel - Little Ash Tree
Vered - Rose Victor - Winner
Vincent - To Occupy
William - Strenuous Guardian
Yaakov - One who supplants
Yadid - Friend, Beloved
Yadon - he will judge
Yagil - Celebrate
Yakov - the supplanter
Yan - God's grace Yanis - God's gift
Yaphet - Handsome
Yarin - to understand
Yaron - Singing
Yehudah - Exalt
Yehudi - praise god Yered - To come Down
Yitro - Plenty
Yonah - From the name JONAH
Yosef - Form of JOSEPH
Yuval - Brook
Zabulon - to exhalt
Zaccheo - the one God remembers
Zach - Remembrance of the Lord
Zachariah - Remembered by the Lord
Zachary - Renowned by God
Zack - Remembrance of the Lord
Zakai - innocent
Zane - God's grace Zann
Zared - Ambush
Zavad - Present
Zazu - movement
Zebediah - God's Gift
Zebulon - home
Zed - God is Fair
Zedekiah - justice of the lord Zenoa
Zephan - treasured by God
Zev - deer, wolf
Ziff - wolf
Zion - a sign
Ziv - very bright
Zubin - To Honor
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
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